Our home school curriculum is designed to immerse students in nature while teaching various topics in ecology and history. This 90 minute program is offered to children ages 4-12 years of age. Upon arrival, students will be split into age-appropriate groups so that program content is effective and engaging. An adult is required to attend and supervise their child(ren). A large portion of every class will be conducted outdoors, so please dress accordingly. $3 per resident child / $5 per non-resident child.
Date |
1:30-3 PM |
March 13 |
Maple Sugaring |
Students learn how trees make sugar and how people throughout history have harvested it. Then they will sample maple syrup made at the nature center. |
April 10 |
Pollinator Pals |
Students will learn what a pollinator is and what their roles in our ecosystems are. After, they will head outdoors in search of their own
pollinator pals. |
May 8 |
Wonders of Watersheds |
Students learn how the water in their backyards eventually drains into the Great Lakes through the region’s watersheds |